Welcome to the CHHS Baseball Booster Club Support Page!
The CHHS Booster Club is the official booster club for the CHHS Panther Baseball Program. The Booster Club is a non-profit volunteer group made up of action-oriented parents and volunteers. Through dedication and teamwork, we support the enhancement of successful student athletes promoting academic and athletic excellence, good sportsmanship and character building relationships. Our commitment provides further support raising funds to benefit and promote the CHHS baseball teams.
Booster Club has many committees, you can be involved with including:
Website / Social Media
We would like to encourage every parent to be involved within the boosters at some level, whether its just a few shifts at the concession stand or getting involved in something you are more passionate about. The overall goal is to make your players' experience the best possible at CHHS.
Contact one of our Booster Club Member or Committee Heads today!
Kelli Swientek
Booster Club President