CHHS Baseball Booster Club Contacts
President: Chris Rose - president@chhspantherbaseball.com
VP/Advertising: Dave Korinek - vp@chhspantherbaseball.com
Communications: Brandon Powell - communications@chhspantherbaseball.com
Treasurer: Laura Bower-Sherman - treasurer@chhspantherbaseball.com
Spirit Wear: Dave Korinek - store@chhspantherbaseball.com
Concessions: Joe Moreno
Membership: Kelly Swientek
Flower Fundraiser: Alison Steach
Golf Tournament: Albert Rodriguez
Ranger Ticket Fundraiser: Chris Ballard
Spirit Wear: Dave Korinek
Programs: OPEN
Homecoming Float:
Community Service: Julie Stansell
First Pitch Dinner: Dolores Rodriguez
Banquet: Lisa Towchik and Jackie Torres
Website: Ken Sibley - admin@chhspantherbaseball.com
Social Media: Kim Raab and Dave Korinek
Alumni: Brandon Powell (Open for someone to take it over)